Frequently asked questions 

Here you will find an overview of the most frequently asked questions.
If you have any other questions not covered here, please contact us.
We’re sure we'll have an answer for you.

Is registration on Linduu UK for free?
Registration is absolutely free.
As you can see from the registration data, we do not request your full address.
This means we do not have the details that we would need to collect any hidden costs.

Are there any subscription fees or other hidden costs?
No. As you can see, we use a simple pre-paid system. .
There's no contract of any kind.
You simply top up your account via a provider of your choice, whenever you want.
If your account has no more Coins, it's completely up to you whether you top it up, or not.
Thanks to our payment providers, you can see that the actual costs are absolutely transparent and so you're the one who is fully in control the costs are and what you're getting for your money.
What's more, thanks to Bonus Coins you can also have fun here without any real money at all.

Are there really no hidden subscription traps?
Absolutely, totally and completely not. I have personally gone through all the small print again, and not found a single thing.
But seriously, there is no fixed financial commitment for any period of time.
Everyone can come and go as they please.
The only time when you might have to part with real money is when you buy our Coins,
and there you can see what costs are and what you're getting for your money.

What do I need to do to register?
To register, you need a valid email address and a mobile phone.
We send an activation link to the email address you give us, so that we can check that the address is correct.
This double activation ensures that there are no fake profiles that could end up blocking the portal with spam.

Can I add to my profile at a later date?
Of course, you can alter or extend your profile at any time
That's important, as other users can then find you more easily.
When you have a photo in your profile, you'll found more quickly.


Can I delete my profile?
Of course you can. Everyone can come and go as they please.
When you've found a partner or, if you just don’t want to take part any more,
just click on Delete Account in your profile menu and you will be asked to confirm this step.
By clicking on “Yes” your account will be deleted irrevocably.
There is no need for further formalities,
or send faxes or emails that cost money.
Deleting is very easy; all you need is just one click. But be aware: This is finally. A new registration won’t be allowed or possible, so in case you just feel misunderstood due to a conversation or things like that, better think about this step in peace.


What advantages do I have from this website?
It's all about flirts
Here you can first get to know each other anonymously before you take the next step.
Neither your mobile number, nor any of your personal details, will be made known because everything runs over our system.
This way you're safe from stalkers and fraudsters.


What can I do if I feel I am being harassed by another user?
If a user violates our general terms and conditions, please report him/her to Linduu Supportteam. 

I can’t upload my photo, what should I do?
If you have problems uploading a picture, please send us your nickname and the picture to

I have uploaded a photo but it was deleted again. Why?
As far as profile photos go, we can only accept portrait photos, and only under certain conditions full body photos.
We cannot publish details like eyes, cartoons, pictures of children or animals, erotic images, drawings or any image
would could be classified as illegal.

I can't log in any more. Why not?
If you can't log in, although you haven't terminated your registration, check out your nickname and your profile.
If you have received the message 'deactivated', it means that you have violated our General Terms & Conditions. This might simply have occurred by putting your email address, URL, or telephone number in your profile.
On the other hand you might have been advertising or spamming. Another reason might, for example, be due to excessive harassment of another user, or the use of a false identity (stating you are a woman although you are really a man) or using photos of another person.
If you have not violated our General Terms and Conditions, then please contact us at